This wasn’t the newsletter I wanted to write but I think it’s the one I need to, especially for my fellow writers and authors.
So, HarperCollins is strongarming its authors into feeding their IP into the AI machine.
Now, I have a strained relationship with AI. Let me be clear:
I am a digital knowledge worker by day. This means I utilize tools like AI to make my life easier, but I never feed it IP because…
I’m an artist and an author. My IP is sacred, and…
I believe all art should be accessible (it’s why I’m becoming a librarian).
The truth is, I know my writing is good enough for an agent. I’ve had agents and publishers tell me so. And still, I have a secret to tell you:
You do NOT need an agent.
You CAN self-represent.
I can already hear you, “But I want in the Big Houses!”
And my question to you is, “Why?”
I’ve always WANTED an agent, don’t get me wrong. My reason? I want a business partner. But, there are ways, still, to get traditionally published and not have to sell everything for a maybe spot on a midlist somewhere that gets no marketing budget.
Believe me: I’ve worked with a number of trad and self-published authors, speakers, business owners, etc… There are more options than what they tell you.
Here is an old post that goes over all my numbers and my journey into the world of small press publishing:
Have you checked out my video game yet?! We’re in the last stretch of funding, and a majority of all funds goes to our artist, voice actors, and developer. We are a small team of 3-5, depending on availability, and it would mean the world to us if you would check out the Kickstarter and try out the FULL, PLAYABLE demo on Steam.

I’m doing a Secret Santa for my audience, in which I offer a surprise winter holiday gift to anyone who wants one (up to whatever limit I have available).
Y’all. You can opt-out. I’m having a solo Thanksgiving because I can no longer politely mask around family who actively vote to harm me and those I love.
Be well. Please rest.
Love you, like actually.