Oh no, chat. She’s angry again. Opt-out now. Or don’t.
I’m not your mother.
Shit’s about to get… Strange. Possibly… Otherwor(l)dly.
Anyway, I’m obviously writing poetry again. You’re welcome. Do you want some in your inbox or not?
For Black History Month, I have nothing to offer but myself and my reputation, authentically. I will not take up space in this newsletter, but I encourage you to:
Diversify your feeds.
dOn’T bE a DiCk.
That’s it. Simple, right?
I don’t know, team. It’s hard out here, slingin’ these yuk-yuks (this is a Black joke, written by a woman of color. It’s on Netflix. Do your research.)
Your homework, should you choose to accept it:
Watch The Six Triple Eight.
Just shut up. Do it.
White women, call out our fellow white women.
Visit your library.
Mail a letter this month. Using USPS.
Wave to the folks that handle your garbage.
Tip your USPS, Amazon Worker, FedEx, AND whoever else you use appropriately.
Over the holidays, I did a handwritten card, taped appropriately around my mailbox for the drivers to pick up. I left them there for a month. Only one didn’t take theirs. So, I bought myself $10 worth of Lush.com instead. :)
Learn your neighbors’ names, faces, and their cars.
Pro Tip: We do NOT record. We do NOT talk to cops.
ok love you bye
Tipping your delivery folks, a lost art. I’d also add, just be kind to them, be a decent human being. Hopping off my soapbox now.